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Chairs and executive committee

Deevia Kotecha

Deevia Kotecha


Diana Velazquez-Pimentel

Diana Velazquez-Pimentel

Executive Committee

Ghazal Najafi

Ghazal Najafi


Indrajeet Mandal

Indrajeet Mandal

Vice Chair

Ganesh Vigneswaran

Ganesh Vigneswaran

Executive Committee

Paul Jenkins

Paul Jenkins

Executive Committee

Jim Zhong

Jim Zhong

Past Chair/Co-founder

Oliver Llewellyn

Oliver Llewellyn

Executive Committee

Hunain Shiwani

Hunain Shiwani

Executive Committee

Team members

Vinson Chan (Research team)

Chanuka Ranmuthu (Website and graphics)

Luky Senathirajah (Social media and engagement)
Cameron Englman (Research team)

Monder Lafi (Education)

Scott Griffiths (Technical director)

Adam Hounat (Education)

Fahad Mohammad (Regional lead - South East)

Devyani Bhatt (Regional lead - Midlands)

Salman Arain (Regional lead - North)

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